Friday, July 20, 2012

A Letter to my Kiddies

Dear Kabelo and Kelebogile before i was your mom I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body,I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby,I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child,I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy,oh how I love you and miss you dearly....mcwahh. Faith can get u a long way and I've come to know that a lack thereof can be a major setback. aaahhh man! Feeling blessed... (^^,).

Friday, July 13, 2012

So my day is finally here

I'm THIRTY years old. These are my thoughts:
Maybe I should start taking care of my skin.
I wonder if I will accomplish as many big moments in my 30s as I did in my 20s? and if not, does that mean my 30's will be nice and easy and effortless? Intriguing, yet not really my style... but there is something to say about easy... I'm game. Looking back, I'm glad to be sitting on a heap of blessings that abounded in my 20s
In ten years, my Purpose and Happiness has evolved to something much more worthwhile and fulfilling.
With much less effort in comparison, I feel prettier, sexier, and more whole in my skin today than I did the day I turned 20.  Odd realization... but woooonderful.  
My favorite moments in my 20s:
-Delivering my firstborn... just me and Kb... and the color that suddenly rushed into my world. My life was suddenly saturated with Purpose.
-That sunny day when I sent Lerato out for a pregnancy test... too early to check, but I did it anyway.  And that tiny pink line.
-Giving birth to myPrincess in that big hospital... quiet... cozy... and introducing her to his brother and his brother to her. Sadly she didn't make it past 4 months
-And the day I realized that when nothing goes right, GO LEFT. That a positive attitude nd positive outlook on life nd its challenges will get us far like 'bridge over troubled water'.
Now THIRTY, let's get on with it.  I'm a force to be reckoned with and I'm ready to do some livin' and a fair amount of lovin'.  I'm the best version of myself now... and I'm excited about what the future holds for me and my manlies.
What ever happened to being Nice? Being Kind? Our words matter. Our actions matter.
We have the ability in every moment to choose to be kind or cruel, patient or demanding, sarcastic or encouraging. We have a choice.
And in those moments, we are teaching our children what it is to be an adult... It's so so important that we model the behavior and attitude that we hope for our children to adopt.
Maybe it's because I've turned 30... maybe it's just the Mother in me, but I have gotten into a habit of avoiding situations/people that bring me down.  Does that make me selfish?  Having a bad day or being bummed out is one thing- but a constant drip of negative energy/actions/words is far more insidious.  And it sucks the life out of me.
With facebook right at our fingertips, we embrace the power to declare/affirm/announce some of the most destructive thoughts to hundreds of people at a time.
Why are we so centered on ourselves that we don't actually see the personality we are constructing online?
 I want my boy to be kind. I want him to understand the power of their words. I want him to feel in control of his actions and reactions... because we all have that choice. No circumstance negates us choosing how we react. And I want him to understand that what he say/do will have a ripple affect that touches everyone around him... Oh, the power we hold in our mouths!
We will practice Kindness in our nest this summer.  Real honest exercises in Kindness.... because God help me if my kid becomes snarky, self absorbed, whiney, cynical grown man.  omg, did I just say that on my blog?
We've got to be kind again...
We've got to get back into a pattern of encouragement.
We've got to understand that our words are powerful.
Our children deserve it.
We leave an impression with every.single.person we touch... What will mine be? What will your's be?