Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Black don't Crack

I'm in a place where I never thought I would be, hell always said Black don't Crack. You know we blacks we've got thicker skin nothing can break us, but lately am seeing cracks in all corners of my life. More especially my family life now that's a mystery i have no idea what's happening. First it was my cousin now its his sister talk about losing family members in such a short space of time between them, its actually becoming a pattern. With a family like mine its getting harder and harder to arrange for burials as each family has its own issues like they will never experience death so the rest of us should see how we bury each other, ya neh.

It has come to a point where i have mixed emotions, i feel angry, mad , tired, like there is no way out am stuck in this rut with no where to go. Today woke up in a messed up mood and its getting worse as the day progresses, just a few minutes ago just heard that Uncle's wife disappeared and no one knows where she is, she just left the initiation house without telling no one where she is going and left everything behind, money, cellphone, clothes, she didn't even give them a chance to release her from the school. As for the funeral arrangements all that's been said is the burial is for 8:00am. what we were discussing with my mom is to upgrade the coffin and buy meat but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen. we just gonna be responsible for the burial ourselves as no one could be bothered but they want people to them when in need. I wonder how does that work honestly but you know what God is great, He will see us through this. the emotions that am going through will pass and it will be just a distant memory. For now i just need someone to hold me and let me cry for as long as I want, no uttered words, no questions just let me be. That's all I need for now.

And hope that things come together and we may lay our sister cousin to her final resting place with no hiccups. May Her Soul Rest In Peace

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