Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Becoming A Woman Of Worth

                                                           Walking with Him

My intention is to live in the Spirit. If you 'live' anywhere it means that you are 'alive' in that place. perhaps you come alive when you at church, at home with your family or maybe its out there in the world where you do your job. It's good to know what makes you feel alive. It's good to understand where you live. if you live in the Spirit, you come alive anytime an opportunity comes your way to share the gospel of your heart and mind. You come  alive each time you whisper a prayer or lend a hand to your neighbor. You come alive with the love God has put i your heart. As i learn to become a woman of worth, Am alive in Him, and once you recognize that fact , there's no turning back. You're on the path and you're ready to walk. You're going to walk with His arm wrapped around you for the rest of your days. When you are walking in that kind of love, you're becoming an even stronger woman of worth.

                                                          A Worthy Thought

                                          We must not trust every word of others
                                               or  every feeling within ourselves,
                                             but cautiously and patiently try the
                                             matter , to see whether it is of God.

                                       Father in heaven , walk with me today
                                   and help me lie in Your gentle and loving Spirit
                                 Guide me with each step to become more of what
                               You would have me be. My joy rests in you. Amen

Week 2

                                                            Waiting for Him

Hurry to work, wait in traffic. Hurry to doctor's office, wait to be called in. Hurry and wait As women we do a lot of that. Somehow gaining control over our time and our schedules is more difficult than we ever imagined. We're a;ways in a hurry and never like to wait. How can we learn to wait? Even more how can we learn to wait for God? We always like to think that His timing and ours will match up eventually. Often its true. Just as often its not. How can i wait in joy and in peace? How can I wait in holiness? The scripture says that it is "good to wait quietly for the salvation of the lord' What a great truth! I'm waiting to find victory in life's turmoil. Not sure but I have hope and faith because i know the Lord will never leave me nor forsake. He is waiting for the perfect time to offer salvation. He said it will never be easy but it will be worth it

 Week 3

                                                        A Woman of Wisdom

Most of us think we were born with common sense, or at least i hope i was. I do things that seem reasonable and treat others kindly and think positive thoughts and i do my best to make something good happen each morning when the sun rises once again.The truth is i do have common sense most of the time. But , what God wants from me might be something different. God wants us to have "uncommon" sense. When a woman has wisdom, she looks beyond what others would say is reasonable.She moves past the ordinary and catch the fresh wind of everything extraordinary. I seek all that He would have me become because it is wise to do so. Be a little bit regal today. Let wisdom be your sister and make common sense your closest friend.

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